Hello, my name is Kate, and this is my story

I’ve been in your shoes… throughout most of my 20's and early 30’s I struggled with cystic acne, horrible periods and PMS, and stomach issues. After the birth of my 1st child, I started to feel even worse, adding fatigue, sleep struggles, and anxiety to the mix.  

I tried a lot of things on my own, thinking I should know what to do — I was a dietitian, after all! I took random supplements I had read about online and tried alllll the trendy diets like paleo, keto, vegetarian, & countless whole30’s that only left me feeling depleted and frustrated.

When I finally did seek help from my doctor I was told that I was just a tired mom and offered medication, with no other explanation of what might be causing me to feel so awful.

After years of trying for baby #2, my doctor said I was getting older and the only solution was fertility treatments. That didn’t sit right because I knew there had to be a reason I didn’t feel like myself and why I couldn’t get pregnant again.

That’s when I started digging deeper for answers. Once I understood what was causing my symptoms and learned how to support and nourish my body outside of the lens of diet culture, things came back into balance and I began feeling like myself again. And I did end up getting pregnant naturally! Our 2nd child was born 1 month after my 40th birthday.

I now have symptomless periods, normal digestion, clear skin, and steady energy - even as a busy business owner and mom of 2 kids.

Maybe you can relate to my experience?

Hormone, skin, & gut symptoms are common and if you go online to search for answers you’re met with so much conflicting information it can be hard to know what’s actually right for you. When you go to your doctor you’re likely only going to be offered meds like birth control, or even told that what you’re experiencing is normal and this is just what happens when you get older. 

Almost 5 years ago I started my nutrition practice using a new paradigm. One that focuses on nourishment over restriction and holistic healing. In order to heal for good, you need to understand your unique needs, you need to know what is causing your symptoms in the first place, and you need to know how to address these things in a way that is going to give you lasting results. 

My passion is helping YOU to feel your absolute best!



How I got here:

  • B.S. Dietetics from Iowa State University

  • Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist since 2002

  • Completion of several functional nutrition programs and courses including Functional Nutrition Practitioner Institute and Next Level Functional Nutrition

  • Advanced training in blood chemistry interpretation

  • Ongoing continuing education in women’s health, functional medicine and functional nutrition through conferences and courses